Intimate laser – Rejuvenation of intimate areas

Description of the procedure

REJUVENATION of intimate parts is commonly performed on women from the age of 40. With increasing age, collagen decreases, the vaginal mucosa dries out. In addition it is not sufficiently supplied with blood, it becomes fragile, dry, weak and delicate.

This rejuvenation procedure is a laser treatment with a 360-degree vaginal probe. The vaginal applicator distributes the laser energy over the entire surface of the vaginal mucosa. It is a minimally invasive procedure performed directly in the outpatient clinic, without the use of anaesthesia or analgesics, because it is painless. The treatment itself lasts a few minutes and then a week of sexual absence is recommended.

The result of repeated treatment is the formation of new collagen cells, which strengthen the mucosa. The vaginal tissue is also regenerated, the mucosa produces glycogen and its pH improves. This treatment is a very effective solution even with mild incontinence, when, for example, there is a small leakage of urine during coughing or other external stimuli.

It is recommended to repeat the treatment 3 times after with a six weeks interval between the treatments to achieve maximum collagen activity. The effect is long-lasting.

Procedure time

30 min

Recovery time



from 9 900 CZK

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